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  • Gold Seal Credits: 2
  • Licensed Residential Builder CPD Points: 6

Closeout of a Construction Project | LIVE, ONLINE Training

Learn how to avoid having the last 3% of a project becoming 15% of the effort. This comprehensive course will walk you through every step of a project close-out and teach you how to expedite and simplify the takeover of a project by the owner from the contractor. *Includes updated content reflecting changes to CCDC2-2020 'Owner Take-Over'

2 Days, 3 hours each day

Lee Kelly, M.A.A.T.O., P.GSC

From $449.99 excl. GST

  • 02 Oct
    2 DAYS, WED & THURS, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    Session Information

    Session Information

    Session 1
    Wed 02 Oct 09:30 - Wed 02 Oct 13:00
    LIVE, Online
    Session 2
    Thu 03 Oct 09:30 - Thu 03 Oct 13:00
    LIVE, Online
    LIVE, Online
    • VICA Member Rate $449.99 excl. GST
    • $649.99 excl. GST

Want to run this event in-house? Enquire about running this event in-house



What Will You Learn?

Course Format

Course Requirements (Technology & Participation)

Recommended Prerequisites

Course Credits Information