Join us for this session to learn about key changes to CCA 1 – 2021, how they correspond to the new CCDC 2 – 2020, and how these documents impact you and your team.
By the end of this workshop you will cover:
- Changes to CCA 1 – 2008 that correspond to the newly released CCDC 2 - 2020, including:
- Introduction of the term “Ready-for-Takeover”
- Introduction of the Concept of Payment Legislation
- Changes to Reimbursable Costs for Change Directives
- Changes to Insurance
- Changes to Indemnity and Waiver of Claims
- Additional changes to CCA 1 - 2008 including:
- Additional clarification in Article 2A - Conflict Between the Prime Contract and Subcontract and Article 1B - Work to be Performed
- Additional Subcontractor requirements for SCC 12.1 - Ready-for-Takeover and 12.2 - Early Occupancy by the Owner
- Compression of some of the time frames for the Subcontractor to respond
- Potential extended warranty period
- Clarifications to SCC 3.5 - Shop Drawings
Disclaimer: The content of this presentation is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.