Victoria 3.0 Pivoting to a Higher Economy 2020-2041 | Draft Economic Action Plan
The City of Victoria is seeking public feedback to help shape its draft economic action plan, Victoria 3.0 – Pivoting to a Higher-Value Economy – 2020-2041.
The draft plan has been shaped by a six-part series of economic roundtable discussions and by the latest research and thinking in 21st century city building and economics.
Accompanying the City’s Official Community Plan to 2041, Victoria 3.0 has a vision for a sustainable, growing, influential city that creates high-value jobs now and for the future. The aim of the plan is to create a diverse, resilient, inclusive economy over the next two decades.
The City is making this plan now to:
- Stimulate and support innovation
- Build on the economic stability offered by our large public sector employment base
- Diversify our economy
- Respond to the big changes that will have an impact on sustainable economic growth, including automation and climate change
- Tell Us What You Think
Read the draft plan and provide feedback by completing a short Feedback Form and/or emailing engage@victoria.cawith “Economic Action Plan” in the subject line. | The deadline for feedback is midnight on Thursday, January 30, 2020.